Love at first touch…

“Would you believe in a love at first sight?
Yes I’m certain that it happens all the time.”


One thing always leads to another. Sparks lead to a roaring fire. Playfulness and spontaneity leads to commitment and responsibility. Little did I know that I would bring a stranger home. It was an instant connection. The second I touched him, he snuggled up to me struggling to find some warmth in my jacket and arms. I pulled him close and hugged him as hard as I could. All that has ever been said about falling in love is so true. I still cant believe I made a home for him at home. The attachment was instant and it just grew deeper. He had these soulful eyes that just make u melt into a puddle of love and affection and care and all that is fundamentally human. When I saw everyone else around taking to him immediately I realized that there are just few things that unite good and positive human streaks so strongly, genuinely and deeply. Everyone’s approval and desire that he stay permanently only aggravated my love. He really was my own and I loved him to bits. To date he remains the only boy who has been wholeheartedly accepted and approved by family and friends alike. I was absolutely elated to have met him. It felt right. It felt like it was meant to be. It felt mine. It felt for keeps.

I am still in disbelief that he’s gone missing.

Where ever you are “tiny” little lost soul stirring sweet puppy of mine, I hope and pray you are safe. I wish for you a home that you love and trust and a family who takes care of you immensely as you grow up. Also, you are most welcome to wander back. You know where I stay. I miss you. I really do. Every time I cross my drive way I  hope you will appear out of nowhere and run to me and whimper softly signaling me to pick you up into my arms. I sit alone in my backyard hoping its just a vanishing act and you will come back for our moonlit walks and escapades. My heart races every time I turn on the ignition of my car (since it’s the only sound/sight you hate) coz I am still hoping you will stubbornly park yourself in front of it till I did not get out to get you, Everyone’s been imagining that they hear/see you and I go on a treasure hunt whenever I discover a new clue, I instinctively put out your bowl where it usually was should you get hungry. I am leaving all familiar signs for you to figure out a trail back.

Puppy come here.

P.S. “You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, ‘My god, you’re right! I never would’ve thought of that!” Dave Barry

P.P.S. No one makes more effective puppy faces than puppies 😦